Many Benefits of Renting a Self Storage: a Personal Experience

By Antony on September 7th, 2012 | 2 Comments

Many Benefits of Renting a Self Storage: a Personal Experience

Here’s a case study from a collector of arcade video games, whose experience of self storage clearly has wider implications for anyone in a similar situation. And for transport, he got critical help from Man with Van.

I have never thought that I would come to terms with myself to actually move my personal possessions somewhere else, in a place I do not actually inhabit.

An idea of that kind never appealed to me. I mean, not being around my stuff on a 24/7 basis sounded a bit strange and unacceptable to me. However, there came a time even in my life when I was forced to use these so-often praised storage services. But let me tell you, I never regretted the choice I made because, in the end, it all turned out great.

A fridge-sized passion

The story goes something like this. I am a collector. In fact, I am something more than this, I am an avid collector. And what’s worse, the things I collect take up way too much space. You see, my items of choice are arcade games. You know, these big, fridge-sized, archaic video games.

When I realized I did not have any more space, I already owned seven of these. Their large cabinets occupied my entire garage. I was left with no space up to the point where I kept my car on the driveway, even at night. So, when one night my car was broken into and its stereo stolen, I knew I had to take drastic precautions.

The decision was for me to put the car back in the garage, which brought up another question – what to do with the arcade games? A friend recommended me to use the so-called self storage service that a local company offered. After I pondered over this idea, I realized it would be a smart thing to do until I cleared some space in the basement for the arcades.

So, I rented a van, got a couple of mates to help me load the seven cabinets onto the van and off to the storage facility.

Secure storage

Contrary to my previous beliefs, the place looked safer than I imagined. After everything was put in a personal unit, the place was securely locked and I was given a key to it. My tension was relieved upon learning that self storage facility employees do not have casual access to the contents of the space. This was the thing that bothered me the most because when it comes to personal belongings, I am more of a jealous type.

However, the best thing about the self storage was that, since I had a key, an almost unlimited access to my unit was given to me. Needless to say, I took advantage of this. Every now and then I would pop down to check out my arcades and even play a game or two.

As I already mentioned, one of the many upsides of using self storage is that not only are your belongings kept safe from burglars and earthly disasters but also the storage operators don’t take possession or control of the contents of the storage rental space.

So, in about a month’s time my basement was cleared and ready to accommodate my arcades, which I returned back home. In the end, I only wonder how I hadn’t thought of using a storage service earlier. It was the best possible option in my case, and I highly recommend it to anybody.



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2 Responses to “Many Benefits of Renting a Self Storage: a Personal Experience”

  1. Admiral’s Yard provides a wide range of self storage facilities including individual storage, private storage for domestic self storage and business self storage customers.

  2. Self storage in Manly recommends a protected place for your expensive and valuable things.

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